Python’s Future: A Journey of Passion and Uncertainty

Marcos Stefani Rosa
6 min readDec 31, 2023

Ah, Python! A language that captured my heart from the first “Hello, World!” Its captivating simplicity and boundless flexibility have been reliable guides on my programming journey. With each line of code, I was enchanted by the clarity of the syntax and the ease of expressing complex ideas. Python, for me, represented more than just a programming language; it was a companion that simplified challenges and transformed intricate concepts into something accessible.

The inherent flexibility of Python has always been an ally, allowing me to adapt solutions to a variety of problems. Whether developing small projects or tackling more ambitious challenges, the versatility of this language seemed boundless, as if each line of code were an extension of my thoughts.

The speed at which Python solves problems is truly remarkable; it accelerated my development process and unlocked doors to innovation. Reaching the peak of my language experience, I utilized in cloud lambda functions and Flask microservices for mathematical solutions.

However, as my passion for Python continues to burn, I can’t help but wonder: What lies ahead for Python’s future? In my view, the initial charm seems to be at a crossroads. Amid the pursuit of increasingly elegant solutions, questions linger. Are we, in our quest for sophistication, losing the essence of the simplicity that made Python so special? With so many new programming languages and concepts emerging, is Python falling behind? Does it tend towards obsolescence by not keeping up with the latest trends?

All these questions have crossed my mind, and I would like to share some of my thoughts and the conclusions I have reached. I may come to the conclusion in the future that I was completely mistaken, but it is always interesting to raise questions, and as a lover of the language, I feel compelled to do so. Join me as we delve deeper into the challenges and uncertainties that may shape the future of this beloved language.

As we immerse ourselves in the dynamic realm of the Python programming language, we find a complex interplay that not only defines the language’s functionality but also charts its course into the future. Python, renowned for its simplicity and efficiency, transcends syntax to become an ecosystem where community influence is pivotal for ongoing development.

The Python community, a diverse tapestry of programmers, reveals nuanced facets. Among its members are individuals with solid mathematical knowledge, occasionally lacking in modern programming practices. Data analysts, deeply engaged in Python’s expansive possibilities, constitute a significant contingent. There are also those adopting Python as a second language from object-oriented backgrounds, introducing unique challenges and sometimes facing resistance when proposing substantial syntax changes.

Resistance to change, a recurring challenge in any programming language’s evolution, emerges as an intrinsic dilemma within the Python community. While some advocate for the stability of the current syntax, others recognize the urgent need to evolve in order to stay relevant in a rapidly shifting technological landscape.

A personal narrative underscores the conflict between tradition rooted in the efficiency of C, Python’s development language, and the imperative to transcend these constraints to embrace modern standards. The diversity of the Python community lies not just in a range of knowledge but also in the ability to surmount challenges and embrace change when necessary.

A comparative analysis between Python, Java, and .Net offers a deeper understanding of the underlying philosophies of each language. Java, with its rigorous approach to object-oriented programming, stands out for its robust, class-oriented structure. In contrast, .Net, with its modular and open nature, provides a flexible platform tailored to the specific needs of each project.

Python, with its simplicity and efficiency inherited from C, maintains a clean and minimalist syntax. While this appeals to both novices and veterans, it challenges those seeking to expand the language beyond its C roots.

The future of Python rests in the hands of the community, which must skillfully navigate the delicate balance between deeply entrenched tradition and the constant need for innovation. Resistance to change is understandable, yet stagnation could impede progress. Integrating modern standards, acknowledging the diverse experiences within the community, is crucial to ensure that Python not only holds its ground but thrives in a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.

In this panorama, Python’s journey transcends mere code and transforms into a human narrative — a saga reflecting the intricate relationships among programmers, programming languages, and the unyielding quest for equilibrium between the past and the future. As the Python community confronts challenges and shapes the language’s destiny, the story is far from concluded. This marks the commencement of a journey toward sustainable improvement and continuous adaptation.

An illustrative example of this dynamic can be seen in the trajectory of the PHP language. In the early years of the 21st century, when many professionals, myself included, were beginning their careers in the job market in Brazil around the 2000s, PHP emerged as a promising and exciting technology for web developers. Its simplicity and ease of learning made it an attractive choice.

However, over time, I witnessed the evolution of the experience with PHP, a journey that, at certain points, negatively impacted its upward trajectory. Resistance to adopting best practices, lack of standardization, and fragmentation in the PHP ecosystem were factors that, at a certain point, threatened to compromise its position and reputation in the web development landscape.

This experience with PHP prompted deep reflection on the influence of the community in shaping the fate of a programming language. This example serves as a warning about the dangers of resisting beneficial changes, a lesson I carry when considering the future of other languages, including Python.

The fear that similar resistances to implementing improvements may manifest in the Python universe, especially regarding innovative concepts like decorators, is a realistic concern. The experience of what happened with PHP provides valuable insight into how reluctance to embrace evolution can negatively impact the development of a language over time.

On the other hand, it is crucial to recognize that PHP, after years of challenges, has been reinventing itself and regaining its foothold in the market. However, it cannot be ignored that the long journey of recovery often results in significant losses. The PHP language lost ground over the years in its quest to recover its reputation and relevance. This highlights an important reality: a quick and certain recovery is not always possible.

This scenario serves as a warning to the Python community, emphasizing the importance of learning from past experiences. Reinvention may be possible, but it is a delicate process that requires time and effort. The fear is not just of change but also of facing a prolonged and uncertain recovery curve, illustrated by PHP’s trajectory over the years.

In conclusion, I reinforce that the considerations presented reflect my opinion as a professional with over two decades of experience in the field and a genuine love for programming. Over the years, cultivating knowledge of various languages has become a passion — a constant learning process in which I seek to understand not only syntax but also the specific purposes and nuances of each tool. The wise words of Léo Hackin resonate deeply in my daily practice: “We don’t need to know how to program in every language, but we need to know what each one is for and what its advantages and disadvantages are.” In this spirit, I persist in exploration and in-depth understanding, believing that this approach enriches not only my professional repertoire but also contributes to the constant advancement and evolution in the programming universe.

Additionally, I express the hope that these reflections will be received warmly by the Python community. My intention in sharing these ideas was not to offend but to promote constructive discussion. I firmly believe that dialogue around programming languages is essential for collective progress, and it is with the intention of positively contributing to this discourse that I share my perspectives. May this article be regarded as a contribution to reflection with the respect and affection I dedicate to the community to which I have belonged for so many years.

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Thank you.



Marcos Stefani Rosa

Systems Developer for more than 15 years, postgraduate in Software Engineering with Agile Methods, has relevant experience in Java, Python, JavaScript & others